Spotlight Gallery “Corners of the Everyday”:The Paintings of Jennifer Sampson
The TAUNY Folkstore’s latest Spotlight Gallery Exhibit showcases the “urban” plein air paintings of Jennifer Sampson. It is a selection of her work that interprets the man-made scenery of North Country villages and towns in a singular, distinctive style that presents some “forgotten corner” in a fresh perspective.
The Exhibit opens Saturday, March 1st, with a reception and opportunity to meet the artist on Saturday March 8th from 1pm-3pm.
Born in California, Jennifer has lived all over the world. After one year of college in a visual arts associates program, she pursued a residency at a Zen center surrounded by Japanese calligraphic art. She then took Chinese at Syracuse University, moved to Taiwan and remained there for seven years where she obtained a bachelor’s degree in Chinese literature.. In 2015 she moved to Australia to obtain a master’s degree, and attended a plein air class at the Julian Ashton School of Art.
Jennifer returned to the States in 2017, where she took a job in higher education. During her time in the North Country, she has been taking advantage of the natural beauty of the surroundings by adding painting landscapes to her repertoire.